CHB Happy Hour Chemist Hobbies Edition
Join us on Tuesday April 26, 2022 at 7pm ET for SCHB Happy Hour Chemist Hobbies Edition: featuring ACS Past President, Dr. Peter Dorhout, as he shares his woodworking craft with us […]
Join us on Tuesday April 26, 2022 at 7pm ET for SCHB Happy Hour Chemist Hobbies Edition: featuring ACS Past President, Dr. Peter Dorhout, as he shares his woodworking craft with us […]
Nominations for the 2022 ACS Heroes of Chemistry Awards are open now through February 1! The Heroes of Chemistry Award is one of the highest honors ACS gives to industrial chemists, recognizing teams whose work and research led to the development of successfully commercialized products benefiting humankind. Does anyone have suggestions for possible candidates for this award especially as the award is in the industrial sector?
read moreNovember 8, 2021 This email serves as the Notice of Official Ballot to voting members of SCHB for the SCHB 2021 Election of Officers. The open elected positions on the Executive Committee of the ACS DIvision of Small Chemical Businesses (SCHB) are as follows: Chair-Elect – Kazim Agha (current Chair-Elect) Treasurer – Denise Merkle (current Treasurer) Secretary – Helen Hernandez Councilor – CONTESTED Joseph Sabol (current Councilor) and Mukund Chorghade Access the Official Ballot...
read moreJoin the ACS Division of Small Chemical Businesses (SCHB), the Eastern US Younger Chemists Partnership, ACS Philadelphia Career Consultants and the Northeastern Section ACS Public Relations for this diverse chemistry careers panel discussion with career path breakout rooms and time for socializing and networking. When: Nov 9, 2021 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a...
read moreSCHB CECC After-Party Meet & Greet 6:30pm ET RSVP Join SCHB and friends from the Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference (CCEC) for a post event wrap-up-This is an opportunity to expand your network by meeting and socializing with some folks new to the SCHB Discuss Business Zoom.
read moreOctober 21, 2021 4:00 PM-5:00 PMET Viewing in Eastern TimeAdjust Immediately following the 23rd annual ChemLuminary Awards, please join SCHB for the After-Party on Zoom. You will need to separately register to attend the ChemLuminary Awards which occur prior to this event. Go to
read moreIt’s FRIYAY! Join SCHB for Happy Hour-Open topics and a time to catch up with one another, discuss current events, upcoming deadlines for conferences, partnership/collaboration opportunities and short term volunteer openings at SCHB. Friday October 15, 2021: Discuss Business Happy Hour RSVP
read moreAbout this event Advanced Material innovations will be required across the energy and commodity chemical sectors to sustain our current and future levels of consumption. Within the Chemical sector there is a growing awareness that we as a society must transition into a circular economy. We can not continue to employ materials manufactured from constrained resources and must transition to inputs derived from renewable resources. In a complimentary fashion, when products reach end of life the materials must become inputs to the...
read moreSCHB’s Flash Survey- 10 Participants to Receive Free Virtual Registration for ACS National Mtg Atlanta 8/22-26 (up to $199)! Click read more to get the link. link:
read moreJim Skinner and ACS President H.N. Cheng continue their webinar series on entrepreneurship in the chemical enterprise. Register now for our small business and entrepreneurship-themed mini-series to guide you through the complicated process of starting a company! Register Here: View More:
read moreView Newsletter here: Presidential Symposium 2021
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