Become a SCHB Member Now
(the first year is free – for ACS members only!)
Any of these four easy steps:
Easiest: (1) You can become an SCHB Member by contacting ACS Member Services at 1-800-333-9511 (or by email at You can also join SCHB when you apply for ACS membership (, when you renew your existing membership (, or by following the steps below.
2) Please download the Membership Application Form
Download SCHB Membership brochure (File Size = 352 Kb) to learn of the benefits of joining SCHB. Print out after completing, and mail to us.
3) Complete the form and make your check to “Small Chemical Businesses Division, ACS” (If it’s your first year, mark “new member” and send no check.)
4) Send the form and check to SCHB Membership Chair
Ryan Littich, PhD
OR Download the ACS Division Membership Application and pay ACS (including credit card payments) directly. The Code for the SCHB division is “531” and divisional dues are as follows:
• ACS Member / Division Affiliate $15.00
• ACS Emeritus Member $7.50
• Society Affiliate (Non-member Chemist or Non-chemical Professional) $20.00
• Student Member $7.50
SCHB Div. Dues:
• ACS (Regular) Member $15.00
• Division Affiliate $15.00
• Society Affiliate $20.00
• Student (Graduate / Undergraduate) $5.00
• ACS Emeritus
Member $7.50
• Patron $200.00
Become a Patron Member
Membership Categories:
Regular Member: A person that has a degree or certification in chemical or related sciences; or certification as a teacher of a chemical science.
Division Affiliate: Division Member that is not an ACS member.
Society Affiliate: A person who is not eligible to become a member of the Society but whose major vocational effort is directly concerned with the practice of a chemical science.
Student Member:
(a) Graduate Student Member – A person who is a full-time graduate student, majoring in a chemical science or a related academic discipline.
(b) Undergraduate Student Member – A person actively working toward an undergraduate degree in chemistry or in a related academic discipline.
Emeritus Status: A national ACS member who has been granted Emeritus status in the division.
Patron Member: Firms that wish to foster the Division’s objectives as defined in the SCHB Bylaws II, Section 3, may become Patrons of the Division. Become a Patron Member